For many years, ANTA has been principally engaged in the design, development, manufacturing, and marketing of sportswear to provide professional sporting goods to the mass market largely based in China. We have grown to be one of the largest sportswear brands in China.
At ANTA, we believe in the magic of movement and the vitality that results from being fully present in every step, every rep, every shot…every sporting moment. We believe in a life motivated by the next experience – the next run, workout, game or challenge. We discover ourselves, and our passions, through active experiences that empower our bodies, minds and, ultimately, our souls. It’s not about winning or losing; the ultimate prize resides in the ongoing pursuit of being our best self.
In 2017 the ANTA Launch Innovation Team was created to deliver world-class products that enable athletes of every level to achieve their best. We are a collaborative international research and development team of Sports Scientists, Engineers, Chemists, Developers and Designers driven to disrupt the sports world. In the same vein, we feel innovation doesn’t come from one secluded field of study but instead is found in a multidisciplinary environment.
ANTA is sponsoring a research proposal worth € 20,000 in association with the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) to stimulate research on next-generation sports science technology: uncovering insights in sports performance and injury prevention. Areas of interest would include but are not limited to:
- Sensor technology (ANTA has a partnership with Suunto Movesense) in sport
- Data science in sport – machine learning, deep learning etc.
- A focus on the female; technologies and sport
- Footwear wearable technologies
This is the first award and will be presented at the 25th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, July 2020 in Seville, Spain. The prize will be awarded competitively on the scientific merit of the proposal. A panel of experts from both industry and academia will be assembled to determine the grant recipient.
General Information:
All proposals will be assessed on likely impact on the field or industry; novelty and budget.
Four finalists will be chosen from submitted proposals and the principal investigator will be sponsored (registration, transportation (economy class flight) and accommodation) to present and attend his/her proposal during a specific seminar at the 25th Annual European College of Sport Science (ECSS) Congress 2020. The winner of the ANTA Research Grant competition will be announced at the 25th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) – ECSS Sevilla 2020.
The format of the proposal should consist of an Introduction/Background; Intended Impact/Contribution; Methodology; Ethical considerations; Budget considerations; Projected timeline for completion. It should not exceed five pages. Proposals must not be already funded and contain no conflicts of interest with other partners and must be received by no later than 31st August 2020.
The research award should be used solely for conducting the proposed study, and all spending should be accounted for. Researchers will be required to have completed their study within a year of receiving the award unless previously negotiated with ANTA. The winner will be required to present the results of their research at the following ECSS Congress and/or to ANTA itself. Any proposed intellectual property that arises from this research will be discussed and agreements reached between the two parties before the beginning of the research project.
All intellectual property rights of any and all results related to any programming/coding, as provided, developed or created for the performance of this research project, the ownership shall belong to the research awardee. With the prior approval of ANTA and ANTA's written consent, the awardee may use the above service results for the purpose of teaching or research, but if the results or core insights directly point to product performance design, no third party can be disclosed before the related product is launched.
For any additional information related to the competition or submission of entries, please contact the ECSS office: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.