EJSS launched its Best Paper Award in 2017, with the inaugural award ceremony taking place at the 2017 ECSS MetropolisRuhr Congress in Essen, Germany.
Complementing ECSS’s mission to “disseminate high quality, innovative science and its application”, this award showcases the most innovative science published in EJSS. The winning paper and all nominated papers are available free to access for a limited time following first announcement of the winner until one month following the ECSS annual congress.
Eligibility for the award
Journal papers published in the calendar year prior to the congress are eligible for the award. For example, in 2019, papers will be considered from Volume 18 (the calendar year 2018).
Associate Editors will nominate papers from their section published in the calendar year. An editorial team will review all nominations and select an overall winner.
- Open to all age groups and career levels
- Section Editors will nominate papers for consideration according to the following criteria:
- Originality: The paper is innovative and constructively engages with new or complex problems.
- Significance: The paper makes an important contribution to the advancement of knowledge in sport science.
- Methodological rigour: The paper uses robust and appropriate methods to address the research question.
- Potential impact: The paper has the potential to alter prevailing theory or practice in sport science.
Early January, Award Opens: Editor-in-Chief contacts Associate Editors for their nominations.
Late February, Nominations: Editor-in-Chief reviews nominations and selects best paper winner.
Early March, First Announcement: ECSS Office informs winner and invites winner to attend congress.
Award ceremony
In normal circumstances, the EJSS Best Paper Award is officially announced at the ECSS Annual Congress just before the congress closing ceremony and the winner will be called to the stage. A cheque will be handed over by the Editor-in-Chief and ECSS President. As the congress is being held virtually this year, unfortunately it will not be possible to organise an award ceremony.
Prize money
- €1000 (Euros) in prize money is granted for the winner of the award
- Congress registration fees are waived for the first author of the winning paper
The EJSS Best Paper Award will be announced via all ECSS channels, including websites, newsletters and social media.